keras模型转成tfjs模型后提示错误“Unknown layer: SlicingOpLambda”

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Unknown layer: SlicingOpLambda. This may be due to one of the following reasons:

  1. The layer is defined in Python, in which case it needs to be ported to TensorFlow.js or your JavaScript code.
  2. The custom layer is defined in JavaScript, but is not registered properly with tf.serialization.registerClass().

tf.js的算子支持可能还不完全,能在TF lite上面运行的模型不一定能在tf.js上运行。可以先在TF lite上调通。

moshanghuakai via 社区 [email protected]于2022年12月26日 周一03:30写道:
